The life of Steve Jobs was partially recreated using only video clips (Video)

  Over time Steve Jobs gave many interviews, attended many conferences and a fan of the legendary CEO, who purchased the authorized biography written by Walter Isaacson, he thought to restore his life in video clips. He launched Steve Jobs Archives, a website that aims to recreate, through video clips, the life of Steve Jobs, but following the chapters of the authorized biography. If you access the website, you will notice that on the right side there is a list of the book's chapters and in each chapter there are video clips in which the late Steve Jobs is present.

Most of the videos on the Steve Jobs Archive are documentaries. I tried to stay away from dramatizations (although I couldn't resist including the "Are you a virgin?" one) and second-hand interviews and narrations. In the end, I think I've come up with quality material that will be fun to watch even if you've never read the bio.

  His idea is extremely interesting and will surely attract the attention of many once the collection is complete.


