Google is trying to block the import of iPhones/iPads in the USA

  During last evening the US International Trade Commission, or ITC, announced that in August he will analyze a decision of an American judge who decided that Apple violated a certain patent of Motorola. The respective patents refer to 3G technologies that allow the elimination of "noise" and the improvement of signal quality, and Google, the new owner of Motorola Mobility, wants to use those patents to impose a ban on the import of iDevices in the US.

The US International Trade Commission said it will review ITC Judge Thomas Pender's findings that Apple was violating one of four Motorola Mobility patents. The commission is scheduled to issue a final decision on Aug. 24, and has the power to block devices made in Asia from entering the US

  On August 24, the ITC will make a decision in this case and there is a possibility that Apple will no longer be able to import iDevices from Asia to the US if the ITC will offer profit because of Google. Of course, the chances of this happening are quite small, but the possibility of Google winning for a limited period of time the option to block imports and exercise its privileges should not be left out. Apple's lawyers will of course quickly find ways to remove these measures, but for now we are two months away from the ITC decision.