AppAnalytics gives you detailed information about how you use your applications

  Application Analytics is a new application for our iDevices, and with its help we can find out how long and how many times we use the applications available in our own iDevices. If you look at the image above, you will notice that the application will tell you how many times you have opened the applications available in your iDevices and how long you have used those applications. The application also displays the date of the last opening of an application, so you have at hand the information you need to find out how useful an application is for you.

  1. For iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
  2. Support iOS4 and later.
  3. Support 30 languages, which include English, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Swedish, etc. 

Sometimes you may wonder what are the most kill time apps that are installed on your device and how long you spent on each of them. If you have those questions, AppAnalytics is the app designed for you. AppAnalytics tracks how long you spend on each app and how many times you have launched it. Moreover, AppAnalytics automatically generates reports for each month, helping you to discover the most popular app for each month.

  App Analytics is available in the BigBoss repo of Cydia for $0.99 and works on any iDevices that have at least iOS 4 installed.