iOS 6 and the imported changes implemented by Apple from iOS 2 until now (Infographic)

  In the fall of this year, Apple is going to release the official version of iOS 6, an operating system that brings 200 novelties for users, but which did not really amaze that many people. To highlight the changes that iOS has gone through over the years, those from iMore they did the infographic below which shows only the most important changes mentioned by Apple. I mention now that the Tentpoles represent the key points that Apple presents as important changes to its operating system.

  Looking at the graph, you notice that each operating system has had important changes, Apple making it a goal to offer developers as many APIs for applications as possible, but also as many functions for developers as possible. Although we still don't know everything that iOS 6 will bring, you can expect the list to change a little, but the important thing is that these changes really matter.