Apple limits the number of applications that can be installed in iOS 6, iDevices refuse to start if that number is exceeded

  In iOS 6 Apple seems to have implemented it a limit of applications that can be installed on our iDevices because exceeding it would prevent the iDevices from working properly. Apple has imposed a limit of 500 applications that can be installed in terminals and claims that the limit is justified by the fact that exceeding a number of 500 installed applications would generate automatic resets of iDevices and blockages in their startup process. The limit imposed by Apple is not officially recognized by the company, but unofficially it was found out that it exists and Apple intends to keep it as soon as iOS 6 becomes public.

  "Who installs 500 apps?" would have been the question asked by a representative of the Apple company and the truth is that that number seems to be a little exaggerated. Even so, the limit imposed by Apple does not seem to be logical, considering that users have the right to install any applications they want, but here I think the problem is different. My opinion is that Apple is trying to protect itself against those who install a lot of applications and can no longer use their iDevices, and then blame iOS and Apple for what they did. Now comes my question, who needs 500 applications in their iDevice?