8.5 million in-app purchases were hacked using in-appstore.com, the system can also be used on Mac OS X

  Daca a week ago we were telling you that 30.000 in-app purchases were hacked using the system in-appstore.com, here we are now adding another 8.47 million hacks to the initial figure. The hacker who developed this system claims that 8.5 million in-app purchases were hacked through his system and the figure is enormous, considering that we are talking about only one week and of course you don't want to know how much money it would have cost those purchases. Because his system is so popular, the hacker thought of implementing it in OS X based on the principle that makes it functional on iOS.

  Basically, users have to install two certificates on OS X, modify a DNS, and that's pretty much the whole system, but of course it's not recommended. The hacker managed to exploit extremely easily a system of in-app purchases that generates billions of dollars annually for developers and Apple is currently making average efforts to solve the problems. It is as certain as possible that the problem will be solved in the future, it remains to be seen how long it will take.

This post was last modified on Jul. 21, 2012, 5:51 AM 05:51 AM

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