BetterCenter allows you to adjust the dimensions of the iPad's Notifications Center

  The Notifications Center was launched together with iOS 5 and since then Apple has changed absolutely nothing in the way this system works or is displayed. On the iPhone/iPod Touch, the Notifications Center is displayed on the entire screen of the iDevice, but on the iPad tablet, it is displayed on the entire screen, but not in fullscreen mode. To give users the ability to adjust the height of the Notifications Center on the iPad, a developer has released the BetterCenter tweak.

Customize the height of the Notification Center on the iPad, the default settings make the NC like IntelliscreenX (fullscreen height) but you can choose the portrait and landscape height in the Settings. n Created to work with AnimateAll HD n Require iPad.

  BetterCenter it allows us to adjust only the height of the Notifications Center, not its width, so you won't be able to display it on the entire screen of your tablet, but you won't need that either. BetterCenter is available for free in Cydia, but only works with iOS 5.