The iPhone 5 could turn out to be the most popular smartphone produced by Apple

  Every year, the company Changewave conducts market studies to see what the purchasing trends are among consumers, and this year it was done a study before the launch of the terminal iPhone 5. A little over 4000 people participated in this study and 14% of them say that there is a high chance that the iPhone 5 will be their future smartphone, 17% say that there is an average chance that the iPhone 5 will be their next purchase, 59% say that there is few chances that an iPhone 5 will reach their hands, and 9% are still undecided.

  Comparing the results with those of last year when the iPhone 4S was launched, the respective study being done after the presentation of the terminal, we conclude that the iPhone 5 is much more popular, and in the table above you can see this year's results on the left, and on the right last year's results. If we take into account the fact that last year many said they would not buy the iPhone 4S, but Apple sold around 33 million terminals in the first 3 months after its release, we can conclude that the iPhone 5 could be sold in 40 of millions of copies.