Dead Trigger has been downloaded by 1 million since it was available for free in the App Store


  Dead Trigger is a game for mobile terminals that has a very interesting history. A few weeks ago, those from Madfinder Games, the developers of the title, announced that the Android version will be available for free due to the very large number of pirated copies. Just a few days after that announcement, the company stated that the version for iOS is offered for free in order to maintain an equality between the owners of iDevices and those of Android terminals, and we have to "thank" those for whom $1 is too much.

  During yesterday's evening, those from Madfinger announced that the iOS version of the game has been downloaded more than 1 million times from the App Store and of course that renouncing payment conditioning helped a lot. Madfinger doesn't say if the downloads are total or if they are only those generated after waiving the price, but I assume that it is about the total ones. In conclusion, Dead Trigger will gather a lot of users, and Madfinger will not make money.

Initial price:



Developer: MADFINGER Games, …
Category: Games

Description: "Download the Store App and wish for more top rated paid apps like "DEAD TRIGGER" to become FREE!"

Dead Trigger is the most beautiful mobile game ever – 95/100

Seriously, give this game a try and blast the limbs off of th…

The size of the application is: 139.1 Mb