Apple will not release a TV, it will allow users to watch TV channels online through Apple TV

  Do you remember the rumors that Apple is going to launch a TV? If so, then I inform you that in the meantime the company's plans have changed a bit and now the Americans are planning to turn the Apple TV into a tool that will allow users to watch their favorite TV channels wherever they are. Yesterday, the first information appeared according to which Apple is already talking with cable operators to offer the option to see TV channels on Apple TV, and now those from Wall Street Journal I come with new information.

The Cupertino, Calif.-based company proposes giving viewers the ability to start any show at any time through a digital-video recorder that would store TV shows on the Internet. Viewers could even start a show minutes after it has started. Time Warner Cable Inc. offers a limited version of this feature called Start Over.

  Those from the Wall Street Journar say that Apple would launch a service called iCloud DVR, this service allowing users to see their favorite TV shows at any time, even a few minutes after they started, the function being similar to the famous DVR service. Through that service, users could record their favorite TV shows when they were away from home and watch them whenever they returned, and the same would be available for Apple TV.

Apple Inc.'s vision for a new device that can be used as a set-top box includes features designed to simplify accessing and viewing programming and erase the distinction between live and on-demand content, people briefed on Apple's plans said.

  In addition to the new TV functions, Apple would restore the design of the Apple TV, transforming it into one similar to that of the iPad tablet. The idea is to provide an experience similar to that of iOS, an experience that users already understand, an experience that will most likely be enhanced by controlling Apple TV directly from an iDevice.