Top 10: The most important news of the week on iDevice.ro - 13.08.2012 - 19.08.2012

  Little by little we are getting closer to the day when Apple is going to present the terminal iPhone 5 to the whole world together with the tablet iPad Mini. For now, we found out what the two devices look like and this week brought important information for those who are interested in purchasing at least one of them. Unfortunately, we still haven't found out which processors these new terminals will have, but in the following weeks we will probably see real prototypes of them, and at the end of September, Apple is going to launch them in stores.

  1. Apple recommends using iMessage instead of SMS to avoid spoofing
  2. iPhone 5 and the quad-core processor
  3. iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4S - button comparison (Video)
  4. The iPad Mini will be lighter and thinner than the iPad, it will have a strange design (images)
  5. Steve Jobs' wallet was stolen along with his salary for an entire year
  6. iPhone 5 would be available for pre-order from September 12, deliveries would start on October 5
  7. iPhone 5 – the new connector port will transfer data faster and will work in any orientation
  8. Download iOS 6 beta 4
  9. iPhone 5 and the camera of the new device
  10. The internal components of the iPhone 5 are assembled using this diagram

This post was last modified on Aug. 19, 2012, 6:49 PM 18:49 PM

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