TVLocker Pro adds an interesting animation to your iDevice lock

  TVLocker Pro is a tweak released during this night in Cydia, and with its help you can change the animation that is played when you lock your iDevice. Normally, the screen closes simply and quickly, but with the help of this tweak, you can animate the blocking process a little. If you look at the image above you will see the entire animation that is run after its installation and we are talking about an animation similar to that of closing an old TV, but this is not the only tweak of this kind released in Cydia.

Lock your device like an old TV! TVLocker Pro includes much more features than the free version. You can choose the animation color, the color opacity and the duration. You can also enable animation of the screen content instead of a color. The animation rotates with your device, landscape and portrait, but if you don't like that, you can disable that feature too. Fully compatible with iPhones, iPod touches and iPads from 5.0 to 5.1.1.

  TVLocker Pro has a settings menu in the Settings app of iOS, and there you can configure how the animation is played on your iDevices. TVLocker Pro is available for $1 in Cydia, but if you want you can install the free version of the tweak called TVLocker.