Apple modifies the design of the search system in the App Store, improves the search algorithms

  Last night, Apple company updated the design of the App Store from iOS beta 6 4 implementing a new interface for searching the applications available in its store. Apple has replaced the classic results tables for applications with a border system, cards, in which we have displayed the name of the application, the rating, a screenshot and the button for installation. Through these borders we can navigate using swipes, the disadvantage being that on the iPhone we can see only one border on the screen, but also in the fact that once you have passed the first 5 results you cannot return to them.

  The new design can be found both on the iPhone and on the iPad tablet, but only in the case of the tablet would it be logical to implement it, on the iPhone it represents only a bad implementation of an interesting idea. In addition to the new design, Apple also improved the search algorithms, implemented the Genius for Apps system, the option to search for podcasts that must be downloaded via the Podcasts application and activated the system through which the applications downloaded by us in the past are displayed.

  These changes are currently only available in iOS 6 beta 4 and you will not see them in iOS 5. There is a possibility that the design will change until the final release of iOS 6 and I hope that Apple will change the module implemented for iPhone terminals.


  1. pune si tu un screenshot calumea pentru aia de iPad, ca nu se intelege nimic. Pentru iPhone, probabil e facut sa intre pe ecranul de 4″ si probabil vor aparea cate 2. altfel, este o adevarata mizerie…

  2. Sunt exact aceleasi patrate, afisate in mai multe exemplare pe ecranul tabletei care e mai mare. Nu e nimic diferit fata de iPhone, doar sunt mai multe.