Here are the Braun products that inspired various Apple products

  Steve Jobs and Jony Ive repeatedly stated that they admired the work done by the designer Dieter Rams who worked for Braun, and this admiration turned into something more. A good part of the products launched by Apple on the market resembles in one way or another with certain products of the Braun company, and in this article you have presented only a few of them. It is not known if Apple and Braun reached any agreement regarding the use of the design of those products, but Steve Jobs shamelessly copied from others, but attacked with the same ardor the companies that copied from Apple.

Braun T3 pocket radio and iPod
Infrared emitter and iSight camera
Audio system Braun LE1 and iMac
Braun T1000 radio and Mac Pro
Braun T1000 radio and Mac Pro