AT&T confirms iPhone 5 pre-order record

  At the weekend I told you that Apple representatives were surprised of the large number of pre-orders registered for iPhone 5, and now those from AT&T confirm what was said counterparts from Cupertino. The US mobile phone operator claims that the pre-order session for iPhone 5 was the most profitable so far, the device registering more pre-orders even than the iPhone 4S. Those from AT&T call the iPhone 5 the iPhone that sold the fastest, and that says a lot about the demand that the terminal registers.

AT&T set a sales record with iPhone 5 over the weekend, making it the fastest-selling iPhone the company has ever offered.

  Last year, the iPhone 4S was sold in approximately 600.000 - 800.000 units at the AT&T mobile phone operator, so this year's pre-orders could be more than 1 million units.