The value of the Apple brand increases by 44% in the last year, it still remains in first place in the top of the most valuable brands

  For more than a year, the Apple brand has been considered the most valuable in the world, and a new study of EuroBrand tells us that its value increased by 43.9% in just one year. If last year the Apple brand was worth "only" 66.58 billion euros, this year it is worth 100.239 billion euros, that is, approximately 130 billion dollars. Practically in a single year, the value of the Apple brand almost doubled and this generated an even greater increase in the difference compared to the companies that are in the next positions.

  Coca Cola and Microsoft have brands worth 60 and 54 billion dollars respectively, IBM is very close to Microsoft, Google has a brand worth 50 billion dollars, and other powerful companies follow them. Apple is currently the company with the most valuable brand in the world, the entire monetary reserve of the company exceeding by almost 20% the amount calculated by EuroBrand. The launch of iPhone 5 and iPad Mini will definitely increase the value of the brand, Apple being currently on an upward trend.