iPhone 5 – iFixIt teardown plus a scratch test compared to iPhone 4S (Video)


  iFixIt, those who opened the first iPhone 5 terminal to tell us what exactly Apple hid inside it, made a video clip in which they disassemble the device and explain to users the procedure that must be followed to do this in safe conditions in their own House. In addition to this extremely useful clip, the people from iFixIt also do a scratch test of the new terminal and unfortunately the metal surface on the back scratches faster than that of the iPhone 4S, but the worst part is that it looks uglier.

  The black iPhones got scratched anyway and those scratches were easily visible, but in the case of the iPhone 5 things are even worse because on the black version they will be seen extremely well, but you won't be able to hide them either on the white one, because the case it is not as white as the glass around it. However we look at the situation, the iPhone 5 terminals will have scratched aluminum cases, and you can prevent this by using foils that will make the device heavier.
