FabActivator allows you to protect and disable certain functions or buttons of your iDevice

  FabActivator is a new tweak made especially for users who have the habit of giving the terminal to other people to use it, but they don't want those people to have access to too many functions. FabActivator allows us to block the deletion (closing)/opening of applications from the Springboard/task switcher, or only part of them, it allows us to disable the functionality of the terminal buttons (all) or it allows us to disable the Notifications Center.

With FaBActivator you will finally have an easy way to protect your device as you want! Go in Settings.app, choose your protection layout and respring. After respring you can use your device normally but when you want you can activate your protection quickly via Activator or FaBActivator icon on your Home. From FaBactivator panel in preferences you can choose if protect all Home Icons or some of them, same for Switcher icons (naturally you can choose which apps lock), disable NotificationCenter, disable PowerDown, disable Reboot, disable Home Button and, only for iPhones, disable Volume Buttons.

  The tweak has a settings menu in the iOS Settings application, there we can choose the PIN that is required for those who try to activate certain functions, but also there we can choose which functions we want to activate and what they do. The tweak works based on the gestures in the Activator and allows us to set a sound or a banner to be played/displayed when we activate it. This tweak offers a complex functionality, probably unique to Cydia, and you can buy it for $1.59 from the BigBoss repo.

Also you can set the password you want, only on iPhones Enable the PIN Keyboard (so, if you set a numeric password, you will be able to Enable/Disable protection faster), Enable sound when protection is activated/deactivated, show a banner when protection is activated/deactivated (if not enabled this FaBActivator will show you a popup), hide Icon from Home and set an Activator action to Enable/Disable the protection.