8 million dollars were paid last year to developers of tweaks and applications for Cydia, 1.5 million users use the application daily

  JailbreakCon it could not be the biggest conference about jailbreaking, globally, if saurik, the creator of the famous application, was not there Cydia. During the presentation made yesterday, Jay Freeman, aka saurik, announced that 8 million dollars were paid to the developers of applications and tweaks for Cydia, this in the conditions that certain packages have a piracy rate of 90%. Practically, those 8 million dollars represent a very small amount paid by people used to valuing the work of others, and if all those who use tweaks and applications actually paid for something, then the amount would be 4-5 times higher.

  Moving from money to usage, saurik says that in 2011 the daily average of users of the Cydia application was 1.5 million, but there were periods when the number decreased or increased dramatically. He quotes an old Flurry study and says that between 8-12% of active iDevices globally use Cydia and here we are talking about 20-30 million iDevices that are jailbroken. The number is enormous and fluctuates depending on the jailbreak solutions that exist at a certain point, at the moment the number of those who have jailbreaks is decreasing considerably due to the lack of a jailbreak solution for iOS 6.

  Finally, Cydia is extremely popular, its developers make a lot of money, Saurik makes a lot of money and this business supports the development of jailbreak solutions for iDevices.