Planetbeing could be the man who will develop the jailbreak solution for iOS 6

  At JailbreakCon 2012 we learned that for now there is no jailbreak solution for iOS 6, but that it will be launched after a few good weeks of work. Pod2G made this very clear, he said that the hackers gathered there are motivated to develop the future solution of jailbreak, and p0sixninja tells us that Planetbeing could be in the spotlight this year. In a tweet published a few tens of minutes ago, p0sixninja says that PlanetBeing will have a lot of work to do on his computer in the coming weeks and it cannot be about anything other than a jailbreak solution.

  p0sixninja is not in the habit of making jokes about such things, PlanetBeing worked on Absinthe 1/2 and the jailbreak solutions released before them, so his involvement in the development of the jailbreak solution for iOS 6 is almost certain.