A minister from Taiwan promotes the iPhone 5, arouses the discontent of the citizens

  Hu Yu-wei is the minister who heads the Ministry of Information in Taiwan and recently he recommended to those who follow him on Facebook to purchase one iPhone 5 to help the economy grow and encourage consumption growth. His statement caused the displeasure of many people who believe that the HTC should be promoted instead of the iPhone, but the minister had good intentions behind it. Foxconn is a Taiwanese company, it is the main partner of Apple and produces more money than HTC, and the minister tried to encourage the support of that company, but his message was not so clear.

Hu Yu-wei, the information minister and government spokesman, stirred up controversy Sunday for posting a picture of an iPhone 5 on his Facebook page. "Help the economy and bolster consumption," Hu wrote under the picture showing the Apple handset's black case with its telltale icon. Facing heavy criticism, Hu later explained that he did not own the latest phone by Apple Inc. and was only considering purchasing one. After all, iPhone 5 handsets use many Taiwan-made components and are mainly assembled in China by Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group.

  After several explanations given to his party members, followers and probably the prime minister, Hu Yu-wei remained in the history of Taiwan as the minister who does not support the HTC. Although he uses an HTC One S, the minister is considering purchasing one iPhone 5 and this would probably end his political career. In Taiwan, HTC is supported by the government and the population, but this does not seem to be enough in front of competitors such as Apple or Samsung.