iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 2

  Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is the latest smartphone produced by Asians, it has already been launched in several countries around the world, it will appear in others, and at the moment it is the main competitor of iPhone 5. The Samsung terminal still falls into a category of its own, but this will not stop the Samsung people from taking the opportunity to promote it as they know best. In this idea, I recommend you to look at the table below where we have a comparison between the iPhone 5 and the new Samsung terminal, but I have to make some mentions: iPhone 5 it has a processor that reaches speeds of up to 1.3 GHz, the front camera would have 1.9 megapixels according to some people and that's about it.

  From a hardware point of view, the 5.5-inch screen, RAM and processors seem to present the main differences, but the iPhone 5 proved to be slightly better than the quad-cores on the market, and in terms of the screen we are talking about the pure preference of each of us. SGN 2 will be present in Samsung's promotional materials, you will hear about it often, but I don't know if it will be as popular as the previous version.