iPod Touch 5G vs iPhone 5 - comparison of the thickness of the case

  If you think that the terminal iPhone 5 it's very thin, well iPod Touch 5G is even thinner, and those from The Verge this difference is highlighted very well in the review of the device. iPhone 5 is only 7.6 mm thick, iPod Touch 5G is 6.1 mm thick, and the difference is obvious and impressive. Few believed that Apple could produce a thinner and more attractive iPhone, the company managed to do these things, but now it amazes by reducing the thickness of the iPod Touch from 7.2 mm to only 6.1.

  Through these devices, Apple demonstrates that it can offer more to customers on the design side, I think that in the future we will have even thinner terminals, but everything depends on the developments made on the hardware side.