, iPhone 5 and the lack of professionalism in presenting the newest iPhone

  I don't know if you have ever visited the wonderful website to see what is hidden through it, but I did it last night and noticed that the people who maintain it should leave the work in the hands of professionals who do not translate word-for-word the texts on Leaving aside the fact that iPhone 5 it doesn't have a 4 screen inches (possibly inches because it sounds nicer), if you have the patience to read the descriptions there, you will realize that most of the constructions do not really make sense, that the sentences are stopped suddenly and that overall you have the impression that you have accessed a third-hand website and not the website of the most popular tech company in world.

  The texts published there are either mechanically translated by a software that does not want to do logical things, or they are translated manually by a person who does not write every day for others and does not know how to make at least correct presentations. I would not like to say who takes care of, but I would like to tell them to make an effort and pay an editor who knows how to write correct, logical, attractive descriptions, because everything that is seen now it denotes a lack of professionalism and not only that. If Apple forced them to put those texts, then I ask them to tell the people at Apple that everything they impose makes them laugh.