Siri recommends brothels and prostitutes to the Chinese

  In China, the personal assistant Siri seems to have left the daily life a little recommended the Chinese brothels and places where prostitutes can be found. Although prostitution has been outlawed in China, Siri connected to a service offered by a local company, and when asked about the locations where prostitutes can be found, she answered without much effort. Many Chinese have complained to the authorities, Crab he no longer recommends such locations, but the problem was not entirely Apple's.

Apple appears to have altered a service which was finding prostitutes for users in China. State-run China Daily reported that, when asked, the voice-activated assistant Siri directed users to brothels, despite prostitution being banned in the country. It prompted millions of comments from users, becoming a hot topic on Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter. Now Siri has changed its responses, offering no advice.

  Siri uses the Internet and various services implemented by Apple to answer users' questions, and one of the company's partners seems not to have carefully checked its network. In China, many people were upset because of this problem, it will surely be quickly forgotten and the luck of those from Apple lies in the fact that Siri is mostly controlled directly from the company's servers, and its answers can be modified at any time by the engineers from Cupertino.