Scott Forstall filed the most patents for Apple in the last decade

  Although Scott Forstall was not very popular within Apple, he was one of the "inventors" of the company, having filed many patent applications in the last decade. Those from BusinessInsider made the graph above showing the number of patent applications submitted by Scott Forstall in the last decade and you can see that more than half of them were approved, the rest will probably be approved in the following years.

  He is not among the employees with the most patents registered for Apple, but in the last decade he submitted the most applications for such patents, so he tried to innovate within Apple. The most important thing is that most of the patents that bear their name contain essential technologies for the functionality of iOS, so we are talking about very important patents. It is said about Scott Forstall that he had the habit of taking on the work of others, it is not known how many patents he would have taken on the work of other engineers, but he seems to be a very important man for Apple.