i0n1c will present an important exploit for iOS 6 in the near future, it could be used for a future jailbreak solution

  i0n1c, the hacker who discovered the exploit used for the solutions of untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.x, has recently reopened One blog originally made for a jailbreak solution for iOS 5 and provides some interesting details about iOS 6. In a very short article published there, he says he will discuss the exploits closed by Apple in iOS 6, about the new security measures implemented by the company in iOS 6, but will present, or maybe even publish, a 0-day kernel exploit for iOS 6.

After two years of not blogging and spending way to much time on Twitter, I decided it is time to return to blogging. In the coming week I will start with several new postings about various iOS kernel exploitation topics, discuss some of my private bugs and techniques that Apple has killed with the iOS 6 update, will discuss some of the new security features and will also drop an iOS 6 kernel 0-day in the near future. So stay tuned.

  From all his information, we must focus on that 0-day kernel exploit for iOS 6, because it could prove to be extremely important and could be used in the development of future untethered jailbreak solutions. In the last year i0n1c has supported the idea of ​​discovering and selling exploits for iOS, so don't imagine that he is working on developing a jailbreak solution for us, but he is trying to re-enter everyone's attention by presenting an important exploit.

  Chronic Dev Team is currently working on the development of an untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 6, we don't know how long it will take until it is available, but I don't think i0n1c will offer us something similar.