Facebook starts selling digital iTunes Gift Cards

  Facebook company announced today it offers users the opportunity to buy iTunes Gift Cards using their own account on the famous social network. Users can give these gift cards to friends, buy credits for them, recommend various items available for sale in the iTunes Store, all without actually accessing iTunes. Facebook made a special page for iTunes in the gifts section available on its own website, but unfortunately the entire section is not available for Romania at the moment.

Starting today with Facebook Gifts, you can instantly gift your friends iTunes digital gifts and recommend albums, movies, games, apps, and more available on the iTunes Store. Search for a specific song or album to recommend, or let your friend decide. iTunes digital gifts are available for $10, $15, $25, or $50. To learn more about Facebook Gifts, visit Facebook.com/Gifts.

  For Apple, the announcement is important because it gives it great exposure for the iTunes Store, and for Facebook the inclusion of gift cards provides access in a market where Apple's partners earn approximately 260 million dollars annually from the sale of these vouchers.