Consumers are interested in purchasing Apple products thanks to the ecosystem and the simplicity of the operating system

  Shortly after the statements of the Samsung CSO who claims to use Apple products and praised the ecosystem, here is a recent study praise again the ecosystem of the Apple company, but also the ease with which users use iDevices. Reuters conducted the study in several countries around the world, and the participants praised iTunes with its multimedia content management system, but also the simplicity of iOS, plus the intuitive organization of its functions.

Loyalty to Apple's compelling orchard of products seemed to be a first line of defense for the Cupertino, California, company as shoppers in Europe, Asia and the United States weighed the pros and cons of switching to rival offerings. Customers cited existing iTunes music and video libraries plus the traditional Apple virtues of simplicity and ease of use as reasons to stick with the iPhone and the iPad. "I just taught my Persian grandmother how to use her new iPhone. She's 77 and speaks no English," said Soheil Arzang, a 27-year-old law student in Palo Alto, California. "With a Windows PC there are so many buttons, it's confusing. I converted my parents officially to Apple iPhones, Macs and iPads.”

  Practically, the information is not new, I assume that most of you already knew that these are the strengths of Apple and iDevices, and if you didn't know, now you know. Comparing Apple products with those of the competition, anyone can notice that iOS is more intuitive and easier to learn, the iTunes Store offers quick access to everything you need (if you live in a country where all products are sold), iCloud synchronizes important information everywhere, and important changes come rarely and are explained.

  Based on these "principles", Apple has become extremely popular in recent years, but this does not mean that the world does not need a change from time to time.