NCBetterSwipe simplifies the process of opening the Notifications Center in games

  NCBetterSwipe was released during this night in Cydia, and with the help of this tweak you can simplify the process of opening the Notifications Center in games. Normally accessing the Notifications Center in games involves two steps, one for activating the open button and another for the default opening of the notification center. After installing NCBetterSwipe, the process is simplified and a simple swipe from top to bottom will immediately open the Notifications Center, as if you were already in Springboard.

NCBetterSwipe making the swiping of the Notification center when in games much easier! as 3/4 of the time when you swipe on in a game of instance, this will bing down a tab, and then you have to pull down that tab. to me that can get really annoying and slows down the time trying to access the NC and sometimes can even be hard to get it down! well don't stress! i got ya covered! NCBetterSwipe will allow you to swipe your Notification center in one swipe, just like you would on your springboard! (no tab will appear either).

  NCBetterSwipe is available for free in Cydia's ModMyi repo and you will only feel its functionality in games.