Apple will launch a cheap plastic iPhone in 2013, according to the Wall Street Journal

  Rumors regarding the launch of a cheap iPhone, separate from iPhone 5S or iPhone 6, in 2013 they take shape again, those from Wall Street Journal confirming the initial reports of other publications around the globe. Yesterday we told you that this new terminal would have a larger screen and a completely redone design, and today the Wall Street Journal confirms at least the design part. They say that Apple is currently testing a new design for this cheap device, and could choose to use polycarbonate plastic instead of the aluminum we've been used to until now.

AppleWhile Apple has explored such a device for years, the plan is progressing and a less expensive version of its flagship device could launch later this year, one of the people said. is working on a lower-end iPhone, according to people briefed on the matter, a big shift in corporate strategy as its supremacy in smartphones has slipped. The cheaper phone could resemble the standard iPhone, with a different, less-expensive body, one of the people said. One possibility under consideration is lowering the cost of the device by using a different shell made of polycarbonate plastic; in contrast, the iPhone 5 currently has an aluminum housing.

  The device would mostly use existing hardware in the old terminals, but Apple would offer it at a very low price, thanks to the use of old and very cheap materials. The idea of ​​those from Apple is to regain part of the market share lost to those from Samsung, and attacking the low-end section seems to be the idea that the management of the company is thinking about. The iPhone has been regarded as a premium product until now, but the launch of a cheap version will lead to a dilution of the brand and I for one am interested to see how Apple will explain the use of plastic for cases, considering that they made fun of him for years in a row.

  Those from Bloomberg corroborate the information of the Wall Street Journal publication, stating that the new terminal would have a 4-inch screen, as iPhone 5, and could reach the market at a selling price of $99 - $149. It is practically clear that Apple is thinking how it could substantially increase its sales and the low-end market was the only one not covered, so we can expect a cheap iPhone, even if it will not be launched in 2013.

Apple, which had been working on a more affordable smartphone since at least February 2011, is weighing retail prices of $99 to $149 for a device that would debut in late 2013, at the earliest, according to the person, who asked not to be named because the negotiations are private. Apple has spoken to at least one of the top US wireless carriers about its plans, the person said yesterday.


  1. Dap,vor sa faca ceva profit si de la produse mid-end. Sa dea ocazia de a detine iP si celor care nu au sau ezita sa dea sute de $/€ pe un telefon. Acestia erau condamnati sa achizitioneze telefoane cu OS Android,acum se imparte si aceasta felie. Nu vad un impediment in a fii din plastic gen iP3GS.

  2. Sa vedem si pe asta , si dupa sa vedem toti cocalari care detineau samsung x,y,z,S, daca mai zic samsung e mai bun ca iPhone.

  3. Mda daca se va adeveri se pierde brandul Apple putin, un fel de in 2013 Ferrari va anunta o masina de serie ieftina. Imaginea de premium va scadea putin si va fii primul produs non premium. Se intoarce cumva de unde a plecat cu iphone 2007

  4. Si Apple ca orice alta companie e o afacere, deci se mai fac si compromisuri. La urma urmei interesul unei companii e profitul, nu incadrarea companiei intr-o categorie sau alta (gen “x produce doar dispozitive premium”). Din punctul meu de vedere cel mai simplu pentru Apple ar fi sa scada drastic pretul la 3GS si sa-i ofere toate update-urile inca 2-3 ani (eventual si o mica schimbare la design, macar la spate). Asa cum e 3GS-ul, vechi, ramane in continuare superior fata de multe telefoane.

  5. Am i5 , i4 dar sigur voi cumpara si iPhone ? Chiar dacă este din plastic , de ce sa dau ~1500 lei pe un Android când voi putea achizitiona iPhone ? . Si cred ca oricum vor fi de calitate superioară . iPhone5 este cel mai bun si cel mai frumos telefon .

  6. Se pot face altfel de “manevre” intr-o companie de genul. Si compania de lux X cumpara daca e o companie Y sub care sa faca produse mai ieftine dar X se respecta prin premium ! Deci nu este profitul deloc problema. Au prea mult chiar, ar trebui sa isi desfaca si o companie nonprofit pt binefacere

  7. WOW …sa spui ca un om este cocalar doar pentru ca are un telefon Samsung??? Felicitari Alin!
    PS. am iphone. asta in cazul in care simteai nevoia sa ma faci si pe mine cocalar.

  8. mai cocalari sunt aia care isi etaleaza iphonurile pe mese in baruri crezand ca sunt mari smardoi ca au reusit sa isi ia tel de pe diferite site-uri gen xxxgsm. am si eu ip in caz ca se trezeste rpd cineva sa comenteze aiurea. dar nu suport cocalarismele, iar ce am spus mai devreme se incadreaza in acest cuvant.

  9. In sfârșit le-a venit mintea la cap , exact ca si in cazul iPad mini . Le-au trebuit câțiva ani sa înțeleagă acest concept . Au produs un telefon de imagine si prestanta publica, au uitat de tot categoria de mijloc , la care li se oare o excrocherie sa dau 700 € pentru un iPhone 5. Din păcate nu îmi permit sa dau aceasta suma mare pentru un iPhone 5 , dacă aveam poate cumpăram si eu unul , ca o viața are omul…
    Personal imbratisez aceasta idee de la Apple , ii felicit ca s-au gândit si la cei mulți . Stima tuturor cititorilor de pe acest forum.

  10. cand citesc ieftin ma gandesc la samsung, nu stiu dc. dar o idee mult mai buna ar fi sa ieftineasca brand-urile si sa mai dezvolte tehnologia
    si am uitat sa spun ca incep sa scada decand a murit jobs