Now you can start your car by sending it an SMS

  I told you yesterday that Viper SmartStart allows us to start the cars using the personal assistant Crab from iOS, but the same thing can be done using a simple SMS. A new hack that uses a iPhone, SMS technology, an Arduino board and a little engineering, allows us to start the car no matter how far we are from it. Everything involves a manual connection of the Arduino board to the car, it automatically sending a message to the iPhone when the engine started, but unfortunately the entire modification cannot be quite so legal.

I send a text message from my phone with the phrase: "Start 1234? (1234 would be the password in the phone script). The phone gets the text then tells the arduino via serial interface to start. The arduino grounds the wire to the remote start that activates it. Meanwhile, the phone sends back an SMS saying 'Executed' to let me know that it got the message and is acting on it. In the future it'll send back a message confirming that the start was executed as opposed to the I told him to do it method.

  Here you find all the necessary explanations for building the entire hack, but it would be best not to beat your head too much.


  1. Pt. Claudiu, exista alte variante pentru pornirea masinii de la distanta. Sunt mai sigure, destul de accesibile ca pret(500 ron cu montaj)si legale neafectand garantia autoturismului.

  2. Pt Vlad, poti instala alarma cu pornire de la distanta(pager). O poti programa sa porneasca la anumite ore sau cu cateva min inainte de plecare. Pe afisaj iti arata daca masina a pornit, daca ai usa deschisa etc. Eu folosesc Thunder. Gasesti pe net intre 350-500ron

  3. @MarioXXL Bravo tie, daca tot vrei sa te dai mare …. Spune si ce masina aveai, sau ce masina ai, ce manele asculti si cum iti pornesti tu masina .
    Daca noi suntem ramasi in urma, nu stiu de ce vrei sa vorbesti cu inapoiatii.
    Sincer , eu cred ca esti un mare cocalar.