The tweaks in Cydia should work without problems with the iPhone 5 screen, some applications need to be updated

  Considering that the launch of the solution of jailbreak for iOS 6.1 is fast approaching, many users are wondering which applications or tweaks will work smoothly on the new 4-inch screen of the terminal iPhone 5. Considering that the applications for iOS must be updated to work on the new screen, the applications from Cydia they have to go through the same process, but in the case of tweaks, things are different. Responding to comments on Reddit, saurik (Cydia creator) said ca tweak-s should work with the terminal screen, mainly because they basically modify the functionality of iOS or applications, so their functionality depends on what they modify.

Usually new firmware causes more serious problems than new hardware; in the case of a slightly-taller-but-still-largely-the-same-thing screen, most packages in Cydia don't really have normal "app" UIs: they are extensions that modify functionality of other things, and so aren't I'm not affected. The main things that come to mind are things like biteSMS, WinterBoard, iFile, and Cydia itself, all of which are trivial modifications to take up the new vertical height (in fact, for at least WinterBoard, iFile, and Cydia, I believe it is just "throw a new Default.png in the folder and you're good to go", as they all do programmatic layout).

  The tweaks themselves do not need to be updated to work on the new resolution, the applications need changes and the tweaks will work without problems, regardless of the conditions.

Instead, it is more "not much stuff works on iOS 6" that is the key problem, but that is always the case when a new jailbreak comes out. If anything, that will be less the case this time than in previous cases, as many developers that work on the "harder stuff" have been working on upgrading their software anyway for iOS 6, as there are already jailbreaks for it on other devices.