Here's how you can avoid the waiting process of the Mailbox application

  Mailbox is an application for iOS that I presented to you last night and although it looks great, unfortunately it has a waiting system that will probably allow you to access it only in a month. If you still want to have quick access to it, there is a method to circumvent the reservation system implemented by the developers in the application, and in this article I will explain how to implement it. Although I managed to get over the reservations part, unfortunately I couldn't log in to the Gmail account, the application telling me either that Google does not accept my password/username, or that the Mailbox application does not have access to the Internet, but it can you will be more successful.

  The process only works on jailbroken terminals, so if you don't have jailbreak you can forget everything.

  1. Log in to the system files of the iDevice, or open iFile from the terminal.
  2. Navigate to var/mobile/Applications/ where you will look for the Mailbox application folder.
  3. In the folder navigate to Mailbox/Library/Preferences/ and open the file com.orchestra.v2.plist with the iFile editor, or copy it to the computer if you do everything with iFunbox, for example.
  4. Inside the file, look for the entry and change the line of code  in , then save the document in iFile, or save it on your computer and copy it back to your iDevice.

  After saving/copying the file, the application will no longer show the need to register in the reservation system and will allow you to add a Gmail account.

Thanks to MS

Initial price:



Developer: Orchestra, Inc.
Category: Productivity

Description: The fast, fun mobile inbox that puts email in its place.

Download Mailbox to reserve your spot, then watch the line move. For details on…

The size of the application is: 8.9 Mb

[vimeo] [/ vimeo]