NowPlaying on Status Bar displays the name of the song you are listening to in the Status Bar

  Now Playing on Status Bar is a tweak launched last night in Cydia, and through it we can display in the status bar the name of the song that is playing in the iOS Music application. The tweak is compatible with iOS 6, takes the information directly from the Music application and displays the name to the left of the indicator regarding the energy level of the battery of your iDevice. Normally, the tweak should take information about songs from other applications in the App Store, but not all of them are compatible.

Requires iOS 6. Display currently playing item on status bar (supports most apps; if an app updates the lock screen, it'll probably work). Display currently playing item on status bar (support most apps; if an app updates the lock screen, it'll probably work). No app icons or preference panes.

  Now Playing on Status Bar is available for free in the BigBoss repo Cydia.