TypingPrivacy helps you disable the system that tells your interlocutors when you write a message

  TypingPrivacy is a tweak released during this night in Cydia, and with its help you can disable the system that tells your interlocutors when you write a message. Normally, the system iMessage displays a bubble to your interlocutors through which they are notified that you are writing a message, this tweak allows you to disable this option. The tweak implements in the menu Settings>Messages option Send Typing Notifications, and the deactivation will automatically deactivate the respective system, the activation reactivating it.

Requires iMessage. Don't want someone to know when you start typing a message and then decide not to send it? Perhaps you'd rather they didn't know that it took 2 hours to compose that response. Maybe you just find it creepy that others can see when you're typing to them... Whatever the reason, TypingPrivacy has you covered! It suppresses the notifications normally sent by Messages to let others know when you are typing an iMessage. Oh, and it has also been tested with biteSMS, IntelliScreenX and Messages+, in case you were wondering.

  Deactivating this system is global, so it will affect all your interlocutors until it is reactivated. TypingPrivacy is available for $0.99 in Cydia's BigBoss repo.