Here's how you can solve the error Wow, you exceeded the number of package names this APT is capable of a Cydia application

  Wow, you exceeded the number of package names this APT is capable of. is an error that more and more users have Cydia I have been receiving it lately and unfortunately the frequency of its display seems to have increased after leaving the solution jailbreak evasi0n. saurik, the creator of Cydia, implemented a long time ago a limit of packages that can be indexed by Cydia, 65.000 being their number, and when the application reaches this limit, it will display the error in the image above.

  The repos included natively in Cydia total approximately 40.000 packages, and if you add others you risk easily exceeding the limit of 65.000 packages and receiving the error in the image above. Unfortunately, the only method by which you can solve the problem is to delete the repos that you no longer access, and by accessing the Manage>Sources menu you can do this.