Music HUD displays song information in the volume HUD

  Music HUD is a tweak released during this night in Cydia, and with its help we can display information about songs, plus album covers, directly in the HUD that tells us how to change the volume in iOS. The tweak displays the name of the artist and the song that is playing through the Music application, and if we want we can activate gestures by which the song can be stopped or started. The tweak has a settings menu in the Settings application of iOS, and there we can activate and configure it after novoi.

Quick information on the HUD of the details about the song that is playing. You can also choose to show the Album image of the song. There are also gestures for toggle play & toggle mute. You can choose to show the Album/Title/Artist of the song.

  Music HUD it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.