An iPad survives the impact of a car and a hammer (Video)

  Although many people complain that iDevices are not durable, a recent incident in the USA proves to us that the products Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), can withstand physical abuse. A man left his iPad on the roof of his car the other day and left with it there, but at a stop the tablet it flew from his car and hit the bumper of another car. The woman who was driving that car did not realize that the tablet was stuck in the bar until she stopped and used a hammer to remove it from there. The interesting part is that despite this abuse, the tablet is still working, and by accessing an application from it, the woman managed to find out who is the owner of the tablet.

iPads have been flying off shelves but one went straight into a woman's bumper. A Georgia woman says she saw something come flying at her while driving but says she never heard an impact. Imagine her surprise when she parked and found an iPad still intact but so deeply wedged into the car that she needed a hammer to get it out. "I kind of hit the brakes and stopped but I didn't feel anything didn't see anything so I went about my day," said the woman. The woman was able to open an app to get the owner's name and phone number so she could return it.

  The story seems incredible, but the pictures don't lie and the iPad in question fit quite well in the bumper of that car, but that doesn't mean you have to treat iDevices in the same way.