Android has 31 sizes for smartphone and tablet screens

  Everyone knows that Android is fragmented, but application developers for this operating system have the biggest problems. At the moment there are over 31 different sizes for the screens of mobile terminals running Android OS and although there are not as many resolutions, there are still problems regarding the preparation of an application for all important mobile terminals. If we are still on a blog dedicated to iDevices, it is worth mentioning that Apple only has 4 sizes for its iDevice screens, and when it comes to resolution, there are all 4.

  1. 2.6
  2. 2.8
  3. 3.14
  4. 3.2
  5. 3.4
  6. 3.5
  7. 3.6
  8. 3.65
  9. 3.7
  10. 3.8
  11. 3.97
  12. 4
  13. 4.2
  14. 4.27
  15. 4.3
  16. 4.5
  17. 4.52
  18. 4.65
  19. 4.7
  20. 4.8
  21. 5
  22. 5.3
  23. 5.5
  24. 5.8
  25. 6.3
  26. 7
  27. 7.7
  28. 8
  29. 8.9
  30. 10
  31. 10.1