The iPad tablet ranks first in terms of consumer satisfaction


  Tablet owners iPad are the most satisfied consumers who have purchased this type of product, this is what a recent study by JD Power tells us. The study it was conducted in February on people who have owned a tablet for at least a year, and behind iPad is Amazon Kindle Fire, one of the most popular Android tablets. The difference between the two tablets is not great, a sign that the manufacturers of Android tablets are starting to recover the difference in functionality/experience that was until now a great advantage for the Apple company.

  Those from JD Power also tried to find out what consumers appreciate the most about tablets, and the product's performance is in first place. After performance comes the intuitiveness of the operating system, the design of the product, the functions it offers, and the last place is the price. To be honest, I'm surprised that the price is placed at such a low position, considering that in general, cheap products generate very good sales if they have the right functionality. The study was conducted in the USA on almost 2000 tablet owners.