The iPhone was the basis of the failure of Facebook Home

  More than a month now Facebook officially launched Facebook Home, a system that modifies the native Android together with the LockScreen/HomeScreen and offers users the possibility to see only information from Facebook. Most of the employees who developed Facebook Home use iPhones, most of the people who tested it use iPhones, and this was at the base the only 1 million downloads in a month. Facebook has admitted that the use of employees using iPhones was a mistake, but this is irrelevant now.

  Facebook Home it doesn't offer users the possibility to generate widgets, to make personalized application docks, it basically doesn't offer methods to personalize the experience, and iPhone owners didn't have any problem with this. The owners of Android terminals instead had a problem in giving up customization for Facebook Home, and this was seen in the small number of downloads that the system had from its launch until now.

  Considering that Facebook Home will never reach iOS, the failure of those from Facebook is all the more bitter, but it is a lesson from which many companies will learn.