Google Voice Search is to be implemented in Google Chrome for iOS

  Google Voice Search going to be implemented in Google Chrome for iOS in the following days according to the company Google, and in the images above you have a demonstration of how the system will work. Basically, users will have a button above the virtual keyboard that allows them to access the system Google Voice Search without using the application anymore Google Search for iOS, so now the Google Chrome browser will offer full functionality for all those interested.

Over the coming days, we're rolling out an update for iPhone and iPad as well. You can now speak your searches into the omnibox. Touch the microphone, say your search query aloud and see your results (in some cases spoken back to you), all without typing a single letter. This update also enables faster reloading of web pages by using the cache more efficiently when the network is slow, which is especially useful when you're on the go. Finally, other iOS apps can now give you the option to open links in Chrome and then return to the app with just one tap.

  The future version of the application will also bring a cache system that allows faster reloading of web pages if you have a weak internet connection, and finally the implementation of the system that we talked about here remains. Google has not specified the date when the update will be released, but as soon as it appears I will let you know. Google Chrome for iOS is available for free in the App Store.

Initial price:



Developer: Google, Inc.
Category: Utilities

Description: Browse fast with Chrome, now available on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Sign in to sync your personalized Chrome experience from your computer and take it with you anywhere you go.

Search fast
Search ...

The size of the application is: 19.7 Mb