PairLock prevents iDevices from being interconnected with other devices

  PairLock is a tweak launched last night in Cydia, and with its help you can prevent an iDevice from interconnecting with any other terminal without your consent. The idea behind the tweak is to offer you an additional measure of protection, if you need it, but also to give you the possibility to prevent interconnection in moments when you don't have enough battery available. Basically, all you have to do is access the PairLock icon and use the two buttons to block/unlock paring.

A simple app to lock pairing, so that new devices will not be able to pair with your device until pairing is unlocked. This can help prevent accidentally pairing with someone else's desktop machine, or falling victim to juice jacking or other types of attacks.

  PairLock is available at the price of $2 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.