Apple indirectly confirms that the iPhone 3GS will not run iOS 7

  In the middle of this month I was writing this article in which I told you the terminals that would not run iOS 7 as soon as the operating system will be released in beta version and then officially. Yesterday the company Apple has released a new model of the iPod Touch 5G, the device being a low cost version of the line iPod Touch-s that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), sells them, but together with it was taken out of sale, and most likely out of production, iPod Touch 4Gwhich has more than two years of availability on the market.

  There are slim chances that iPod Touch 4G to run iOS 7 since Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), removed the device from sale, and the same can be said about the terminal iPhone 3GS. iPod Touch 4G it has a better processor than the 3GS, but it has the same amount of RAM, both terminals may not be able to support iOS 7 after launch. Probably Apple will not offer the new version of the operating system that only has 256 MB of integrated RAM, both terminals being part of the same category.

  It was normal for Apple to give up iPhone 3GS, but the possible abandonment of the iPod Touch 4G is surprising, but if this autumn the iPod Touch 6G will make its appearance on the market, then everything becomes logical. If you have an iPhone 3GS you will find out on June 10 if iOS 7 you will be able to run on it, but you shouldn't get your hopes up too high.


  1. nu inteleg unde e logica atunci cand cineva ma forteaza sa iau ceva doar pentru ca asa vor ……..
    in cazu 3gs inteleg , pentru ca bubuie si cu 6 dar cu 7 cred ca ia foc direct :))) dar cu restu nu vad unde e problema , aici apple isi arata iar foamea de bani , frica de a nu vinde produse “noi” si nu in ultimu rand nepasarea de clieti ei……

  2. loool, detin un iPhone 3GS fara JB, iOS 6.1.3 si merge excelent, nu stiu cum de la voi bubuie, am 117 aplicatii instalate, dintre care 3 sunt GPS FULL, TomTom, Sygic si Navigon, merg foarte bine toate aplicatiile, nu am probleme cu errori sau ceva de genu, repet: NO JB !!! Deja Apple o da in bara cu iOS 7 ca nu o sa ruleae pe iPhone 3GS, e o porcarie, te obliga sa cumperi ce scot mai nou, deja mi s’a urat de Apple si cu magariile lor.

  3. Atunci ramaneti la Nokia 3310 , cautati update-uri de soft , ca sigur e foarte imbunatatzit !!! Sau Ramaneti la iPhone 2g ce ziceti ? vrei iOS 10 pe iPhone 2g ?? dar iOs-ul sa va mareasca si camera la 100 mpx , si ramii la 5 gb si ecranul la 10″ ! vreti asa? ar fi ceva PE BUNE :))

  4. Am un 3GS si i-mi pare tare rău de ce aud pe aici deoarece merge brici, sunt atasat de el si am zeci de aplicații care merg f.bine…. când o sa constat ca nu mai are aceiasi utilitate am de gand sa trec la samsung S4 sa vad cum se comporta si concurenta

  5. Eu totusi cred ca ios7 o sa chinuie 3gs-ul dar cu restu idevice-urilor nu inteleg de ce sa le limiteze la ios6……
    Daca 3gs este destul de batran (deaia l-am si dat degeaba) si vor sa-l scoata din “joc” sa lase toate celelalte idevice-uri in pace ca altfel nu ma pot gandi decat la “foame de bani” …….sa faca ce vor pana la urma ca eu mai astept ios7 care sper sa ma satisfaca macar pana apare un iphone6 cu o noua fata ca de modelu asta sunt satul pana peste cap.