WiSee uses the Wi-Fi signal to recognize the gestures you make anywhere in the house (Video)


  WiSee is a revolutionary system that brings to real life concepts that you have only seen through sci-fi movies in recent years. WiSee is capable to recognize the gestures made by users in the house and to actuate various objects based on them, the gestures being recognized with the help of the Wi-Fi spectrum. Using the the Doppler effect, the system developed by a series of researchers from the University of Washington is able to recognize gestures made in rooms adjacent to those in which the device is located, something impossible to achieve with a Kinect or Leap Motion, for example.

  Testing the device in an office and a 3-room apartment, the researchers stated that it has an accuracy of 94% for recognizing gestures, and here we are talking about gestures made in separate rooms from the device. WiSee it is designed to work with any kind of Wi-Fi equipment and if it reaches the market, it will probably greatly simplify the access of users to such products.