Apple is starting to offer developers access to the building hosting WWDC 2013

  In almost 2 and a half hours WWDC 2013 will start with a keynote in which Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), will present iOS 7 si OS X 10.9, and the company has already started to offer access to the building to the 5000 people who will participate in the conference. In the pictures you have the interior of the location and the developers hurrying to register, to receive credentials from those at Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, but also a hidden banner that probably presents iRadio, or who knows what other function the company is going to present in the next few hours.

  Don't forget that starting at 19:30 I'm waiting for you on to discuss everything that is going to be presented Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), at the conference that will start at 20:00.