iOS 7 Maps - here's what's new

  If you failed to install iOS 7 on your own terminals, you were probably interested in finding out how the application works Maps in the new version of the operating system. Well, I will tell you from the very beginning that I have not noticed any update of the maps for Bucharest, I do not know for each city separately if there are news, but for Bucharest you will not find anything new, maybe only some indications for the streets, nothing more a lot. The design of the new application is the one in the image on the left, an ugly yellow for the streets, parks of a faded green, and the rest in a bland color that does not bother the eyes.

  If we are still discussing maps, I will tell you that Crab it doesn't know how to look for locations in Romania, but it still calculates routes, so for now we're left with just that. Regarding the new things, notice that the application Maps from iOS 7 it has a fullscreen module that I welcome and welcome with open arms, but it also has a module that tells us at which scale we zoom in/out. The application gives us the opportunity to add bookmarks with the locations we travel through, displays a list of recent searches and gives us the opportunity to search for an address set for an account, all directly through the bookmarks menu.

  Adding to all this the Night Mode, you have a complete picture of iOS 7 Maps, that is, the same maps with a slightly different design and some not so revolutionary functions.