miWeather iOS7 Panorama brings to the LockScreen from iOS 6 the possibility to see panoramic images (Video)


  One of the interesting functions of iOS 7 it is possible to set panoramic images to be displayed in the LockScreen and HomeScreen, and when we tilt or rotate the iDevices, iOS automatically scrolls through those images. In the iOS 6 this was impossible until the moment miWeather iOS7 Panorama was released, the mod being a combination between miWeather iOS7 and the panoramic image display system. miWeather iOS7 was presented here the other day and we were telling you that it implements in LockScreen the possibility to view information about the weather, and this new version offers you the possibility to view panoramic images as well.

iOS7 style miWeather with panorama. miWeather is a vertically scrolling Lockscreen. Contains weather info such as. Description, When will it rain, humidity, hi/lo forecast, date, time, wind with animated windmills, wind forecast, radars, feels like temp, longitude and latitude. If the lock screen is scrolled to the very bottom it will animate back to the top. Styled much like iOS7 with Big date/time, iOS7 Font throughout menus. Panorama, if you tilt your device left or right the panorama will move in that direction. Includes 8 panoramas set on a slideshow.

  miWeather iOS7 Panorama is available in the repo ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia, is only compatible with iPhone terminals and has 8 panoramic images set in a slideshow.