miWeather iOS7 iPad displays detailed information about the weather in the LockScreen of the iPad tablet (Video)


  miWeather iOS7 iPad is a mod released last night in Cydia, and with its help you can display in the LockScreen of tablets iPad all kinds of weather information. If you look at the video clip above, you will notice that everything is displayed in a way similar to the one present in the Yahoo! Weather, including here the number of available details. The theme is to a certain extent very similar to the themes for iPhone, its big problem is that it does not display all the information on the entire screen.

iPad 1, 2, 3, 4 and Mini Portrait and Landscape. miWeather is a vertically scrolling Lockscreen. Contains weather info such as. Description, When will it rain, humidity, hi/lo forecast, date, time, wind with animated windmills, wind forecast, radars, feels like temp, longitude and latitude. If the lock screen is scrolled to the very bottom it will animate back to the top. Styled much like iOS7 with Big date/time, iOS7 Font throughout menus. When turned into landscape time, temp, desc, feelslike, and wallpaper will Animate to correct position.

  miWeather iOS7 iPad is available in the repo ZodTTD & MacCiti and can be installed on all iPad tablets released so far.